Sarah Gille
sgille@ucsd.eduSarah Gille is a professor of physical oceanography at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. She serves as PI for the ODYSEA mission and oversees the direction of ODYSEA investigations.

Tong Lee
Project Scientist
Tony Lee is a scientist at JPL and serves as project scientist for ODYSEA and is embedded in day-to-day activities and decision making at JPL.

Fabrice Ardhuin
French lead scientist
Fabrice Ardhuin is a scientist at IFREMER and serves as the Institutional PI for CNES science activities.

Mark Bourassa
Deputy PI
Mark Bourassa, a professor at Florida State University, is the science team lead on wind-current coupling activities and focuses on the impact of wind-current coupling on winds and related wind calibration/validation.

Paul Chang
Paul Chang is a NOAA scientist and serves as the NOAA applications lead, with a focus on investigating utilization of data for NOAA operational atmosphere and ocean monitoring and forecasting

Sophie Cravatte
Co-I (France)
Sophie Cravatte is a scientist with at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) and is currently based in New Caledonia. She is an expert on tropical dynamics and leads ODYSEA work investigating the mixed-layer depth's impact on current response to wind.

Tom Farrar
Tom Farrar, a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, leads the ODYSEA calibration/validation campaign. His ODYSEA science examines interaction between small- and large-scale currents.

Melanie Fewings
Deputy PI
Melanie Fewings, a professor at Oregon State University, is the science team lead on surface current dynamics activities and investigates coastal current dynamics.

Fanny Girard-Ardhuin
Co-I (France)
Fanny Girard-Ardhuin, a researcher at Ifremer in France, specializes in remote sensing of sea ice. She serves as the sea-ice lead for ODYSEA.

Gregg Jacobs
Gregg Jacobs heads the Ocean Dynamics and Prediction Branch at the Naval Research Laboratory. He is ODYSEA's Navy applications lead, and is guiding assimilation of ODYSEA data into Navy operational forecast systems.

Zorana Jelenak
Zorana Jelenak is a UCAR scientist who works on scatterometer winds for NOAA. For ODYSEA, she leads satellite calibration & validation and product development, focused on application needs for NOAA and weather agency operations.

Florent Lyard
Co-I (France)
Florent Lyard, a senior scientist at LEGOS at the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees in Toulouse, is the ODYSEA tide modeling lead.

Jackie May
Jackie May is a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory and is ODYSEA's lead for Navy regional coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling

Elisabeth Rémy
Co-I (France)
Elisabeth Rémy, a senior scientist at Mercator, is the ocean data assimilation lead for the Mercator ocean model.

Lionel Renault
Co-I (France)
Lionel Renault is a researcher at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) and is currently based at LEGOS in Toulouse. He leads analysis examining the impact of wind-current coupling on major currents and ocean-focused research on cross-scale current interactions.

Ernesto Rodriguez
Ernesto Rodriguez is a JPL scientist. He is the Algorithm Definition Team (ADT) lead and is focused on surface current algorithms, surface current geophysical model function development and iteration and surface current calibration & validation.

Clément Ubelmann
Co-I (France)
Clément Ubelman, a research engineer at Datlas, leads work on estimating the Near Inertial Oscillation (NIO) component of the ODYSEA signal.

Bia Villas Bôas
Bia Villas Bôas, an assistant professor at the Colorado School of Mines, leads ODYSEA research investigating the land edge effect on wind-current coupling

Alexander Wineteer
Deputy Project Scientist
Alex Wineteer, a research engineer at JPL, is the ODYSEA instrument scientist. He leads development of wind algorithms, wind Calibration/Validation and Geophysical Model Function development.